Hi, I'm Blake. Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm passionate about building powerful websites and applications.

I'm a computer science student at Georgia Tech and I am expecting to graduate in December 2024 with threads in Systems & Architecture and Information Internetworks, which basically means that my specialty is in the inner workings of computers and in how devices communicate with each other.

Throughout my educational journey, I have gathered experience that has allowed me to grow as a life-long learner and as an effective developer. Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to build software for a MAANG company, and to familiarize myself with the tools and technologies that are necessary for successful software development. This rewarding experience has led me to challenge myself through a variety of personal endeavors, growing at every opportunity.

In my free time, I enjoy playing video games, keeping up with my favorite sports teams, and spending time with family.

Technical Skills


    Image Recognition PlatformIRP Screenshot

    A machine learning model, a back-end server, and a front-end application for classification of user-submitted images built with TensorFlow, Flask, Python, Node.js, Vue, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, AWS S3, Heroku, Netlify, Docker, and REST APIs.

    Content Management SystemCMS Screenshot

    A content management system built with Next.js, React, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, REST APIs, and a MySQL database hosted through JawsDB. (Deployed with Heroku)

    Portfolio Websiteblakeminix.com Screenshot

    A portfolio website for Blake Minix built with Astro, React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. (Deployed with Firebase)

    Google ChromeOS Whiteboard

    August 2023 - May 2024

    A native collaborative whiteboard application for Google ChromeOS built with Lit, Vite, Redux, Firestore, and TypeScript.

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